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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Review: Fun Fridge Magnets

Recently I was given an opportunity to review new products from FunFridgeMagnets. I was given a Pregnancy Mood Magnets set and a New Mom Mood Magnets set. Although I was given these items, never fear dear readers, my opinions are always honest and my own! For more information on my disclosure policy, please see the tab titled 'Let me disclose to you'.

Now on to the good stuff! I was excited to receive these in the mail because as many of you know, I recently had another baby, and my husband and I have been in need of a little stress-relief.

These magnets are a newer product out in the world of parental-bliss, but that doesn't mean that they are any less handy. The mats stick well to the fridge, however we did find out that they will rip if your two-year-old uses one as a  Dora the Explorer map, so put them up high if you've got small kids in the house :)

I might as well let you all know that (being only human) my husband and I have been fighting a lot lately. The addition of a new baby was more than a little stressful on our household. We've had to deal with colic, potty-training, finances, moving and learning to do everything with twice the amount of child. It's been a learning experience at the very least, an anxiety-filled trial at it's very worst. When we got these, the first thing I did was slap them up on the fridge.

To be perfectly honest though, I was "slapping" them up there because my darling husband had recently taken his mom's side in a private argument that he and I were having about raising our children. Although I didn't get quite all my frustration out with my physical abuse of the poor magnet sheets when I attached them to our fridge, I came back in later to notice that my husband had moved the new mom cursor to show that I was feeling hysterical. I leaned around the corner to give him a sarcastic "very funny" look, and suddenly we weren't fighting anymore.

He and I started using them back and forth, him putting the frame where he thought I was and then me quickly rebuffing him by putting it somewhere else. One evening after a particularly trying day, I came to the fridge to see that my husband had moved the frame to the picture stating "beautiful". (At the time I was wearing sweatpants, one of his old t-shirts, no make-up and hadn't showered since the day before.) That sweet gesture was worth a lot to me, and made me smile for days after.

Things I'd like to see change with the Mood Magnet sets? It would be nice if they were a little thicker, to avoid accidental tearing like the one that my little guy was playing with. And it would really be great if they were available in stores. Right now they can only be purchased through the website, but I hope that someday they will be available to snag in stores like Target or Babies R Us since they would make great additions to baby shower baskets! I think this is one of the coolest gifts you can get for less than $10.

Also, I would love to see some more variety. Right now they have a New Mom Mood Magnet set, a New Dad Mood Magnet set, and a Pregnancy Mood Magnet set. I'd be excited to see a Newlyweds Mood Magnet set or maybe a Pet-Lover's Mood Magnet set. They do have new sets in the works of course: "Parent Moods" and "Kid Moods" came out in spring of 2013, but they weren't quite finished at the time of my review. For more information on Fun Fridge Magnets' line of products, please visit their Facebook page at this link!

(The giveaway that was associated with this post has expired, please check out our giveaways tab for a list of available contests! Congratulations to Barbara M., who was our winner.)


  1. The new mom and new dad ones are pretty cute!

  2. I like the new dad mood chart. My husband would have fun with it!

  3. Haha I like the new mom one! These are great!

  4. The Hysterical Mom from Mon-Sunday works for me - hah. Too funny.

  5. I guess the New Mom one..even though I am not one!

    1. You could always give it away as a baby-shower gift if you won! And they'll be coming out with more product lines soon. One of the contest entries is actually to visit Fun Fridge Magnets Facebook page and tell them what kind of set you'd like to see them come up with next! I hope they come up with a Couples one :D

  6. One of my close friends is a new mom, and I think she would love the new mom one! I hope to give it to her :3

  7. new mom and new dad!

  8. I like the new mom and dad ones - I am due in July with our first so it works out perfectly haha

  9. i like the parent moods when they get it

  10. I LOVE the Promote Your Business with Mood Magnets

  11. Haha I love these - one of my friends from school had these magnets on her fridge :P

  12. I like the new mom one - I'd gift it to my mom who just had a baby!

    Thanks for hosting the giveaway. (:

  13. I love the new mom moods...these are great!

  14. I would get the New Mom magnets for my niece.

  15. I probably will choose the Pregnancy Moods magnet!

    aisha belisario

  16. We're expecting in August but I don't know if my lovely wife will appreciate the pregnancy mood one if *I* give it to her... so maybe New Dad Moods. :)

    1. Isn't that the way it always goes? Good thing pregnant-brain isn't permanent! :D

  17. I like the New Mom Moods - thank you.

  18. I think we need all three in this house!

  19. I like the mom mood magnet. Thanks!

  20. Mom moods magnet.

  21. Mom moods seem perfect!

    Monica Meza

  22. I would like the new mom moods! Thanks for hosting.

  23. I like the new mom one (:

  24. I like the new mom mood ones! Way cool

  25. new mom moods are totally me!

  26. the mom mood set is what Ineed..thanks simmsmba@gmail.com

  27. Preg mood magnets look great.

    Diana C

  28. These are adorable! I'd want the new mom mood magnets! :)

  29. I'd have to choose the New Mom mood magnet.

  30. either hysterical mom or promote your business set

  31. just had my baby 2 months ago. the New mom's moods set would be great and cute
