Over the past few years my family and I have been trying to get a little more 'green'. When we first started, I thought that becoming more eco-friendly would mean spending a lot of money, but as we've progressed, I've found that going-green is actually a huge money-saver!
Check out this quick list of ways we live 'green' without breaking the bank!
- Cloth diapering - While this does take a bit of start-up money at the beginning, after the initial investment you start to see how quickly you save. You can buy 12 really nice Econobum diapers for about $12 a piece. This is the equivalent to four months of disposables. Since most babies wear diapers for two years, you're making your money back by the fifth month! (Psst. The Econobums not only work great, they will adjust-to-fit throughout your baby's growth stages.)
- Rechargeable batteries - When we purchased a Wii a few years ago we quickly learned that the remotes eat through "AA" batteries in a zip. We bought eight rechargeable "AA" batteries just a little over two years ago and only had to replace them for the first time this month!
- Buy the 'Club' cup - If you have a usual spot you stop for coffee (like a gas station or coffee shop), ask at the counter if they have a travel mug you can buy for refills. Not only do you save the environment by getting coffee in your own mug instead of a paper cup, but most of the time you can get a discount for filling up in the 'Club' mug.
- Invest in a set of water bottles - Disposable water bottles are just terrible for the environment and they can get expensive. Fortunately, there are so many different reusable water bottles hitting the market these days that something is bound to appeal to you enough to invest in them. They are quite inexpensive and can last for years (which will save you tons of money). Keep five or six filled up in the fridge at all times to be able to grab-n-go.
- Create a rain barrel - Rain barrels are easy to do and great for the environment. You can even make a DIY lid with a cut-out for your gutter drain to keep the bugs out! Use the rain barrel to scoop water into a watering can instead of turning the hose on. You'll get a little extra exercise & sunshine, and your water bill will stay low.
Are you committed to living the green lifestyle already? If so, then you know that investing in creative reusable items is one of the best ways to reduce waste on the planet. One of the cooler items I've seen in a while is called 'Little Green Pouch' - it's a system designed to replace those popular fruit & veggie packs, so no more throw-aways!
My blogging friend A Lucky Ladybug was 'lucky' enough to try out a set, and she absolutely loves them! You can read her review here.
Want to know more about the Little Green Pouch? You can find them in social media for updates, deals, & more on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.
Do your kids love the pouch-version of fruits & veggies? What are your favorite ways to "go green"?
Chat with me in the comments below, I love hearing from my readers!
(The Squeeze Your Pouch Giveaway that was associated with this post has expired; please check out our giveaways tab for a list of available contests! Please take a look at our Winners List or contact Randi at MakeOurOwnNetwork@gmail.com if you have questions about the results of this giveaway.)
Disclosure: I received no compensation for this post and, as always, my opinions are purely my own.
My child's favorite thing to eat was BANANAS!
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